closed in March 2024.

We’ve launched a whole new look and feel for findandfund! The new makeover brings improved search and functionality, puts dealers in the limelight and gives customers a better online journey. Here’s a few things you’ll notice about the new website:

Enhanced search – we’ve improved the search functionality to help customers land on the right listings for them. They will be able to refine their search better and get better results right from the start. We’ve also included enhancements like predictive text to speed up your car buying journey

Refreshed visuals and design – we’ve taken things in a more functional direction to make sure everyone understands exactly what findandfund is all about. This means more images of our dealer’s stock, their showrooms and their people. We’ll be showcasing different vehicles and dealerships each month and putting the spotlight on our trusted dealer partners

Improved layout and more accessible information – to help streamline the customer journey, we’ve removed some pages to ensure that customers can easily access all the information they need to use the site, and not get bogged down with information. We’ve concisely explained what findandfund is and how the finance element works. We’ll also be pushing out more engaging articles to help customers make the most of the platform – don’t forget to spread the word by sharing them on social media too!

These updates have been carefully researched, analysed and tested to ensure that they are driving customers in the right direction. We caught up with Senior UX Designer, Gareth Phillips, from our findandfund team to give you the low down on the makeover:

Q: What were the key drivers behind the website refresh?

We’ve learned a lot about our customers over the last two years and the industry is changing at an unprecedented pace. We’re committing to a bold and audacious User Experience and this refresh is the first step towards that. We have refreshed our design capabilities, improved our search experience and reinforced why findandfund works.

Q: What were the main focus areas of the website redesign & what’s changed?

At the heart of it is improving the quality of results from the first search. From educating our customers on what findandfund is and how it’s useful, through to important enhancements like predictive search as you type. We’ve also refreshed the visual design to help make it more accessible and intuitive.

Design wise, there are more functional images of vehicles to amplify what findandfund is all about. The branding photography of dogs and children have served us well for advertising purposes over the last two years and we now see an opportunity to move to a more functional message on the site itself. Part of this is increasing visibility of our trusted dealer partners. Our ‘dealer spotlight’ will become a regular feature around the site, making their success stories and wisdom visible to all.

Q: What’s next for the website?

A whole pile of stuff! Firstly, everything we are delivering today, will continue to be monitored and improved. We’ve also now turned our attention to the later parts of the search experience - in particular, improving the relevance of the results at every touch point. We’ll also be looking at improving the communication between customer and dealer to really build and deepen that relationship.

Stay tuned for more updates and don’t forget to follow us on social for the latest! 

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